After months of work and an insane amount of hustle the past few weeks to get EUPHORIA completely ready to go after the restoration and the engine rebuilds, we were ready to go just in time for the White Marlin Open.

Our first day back was today, Day 1 of the tournament and we started off in 300 fathoms off of the SW corner of the Baltimore Canyon in clean green 82 degree water. 20 minutes after lines in a blue marlin knocked down the left short rigger tube lure but didn’t come tight. After another pair of swings and misses we got the 80 pitch bait mackerel on a circle hook back to it and teased it off of the tube and onto the mackerel for a solid hookup. After some amazing acrobatics we released the 350# blue marlin boat side.

I made a few more passes in this same zone and all of a sudden I saw a white marlin in my right dredge. We switched it off to the rig flat naked ballyhoo but it was a miss. Luckily the fish was still hungry and came back on the right teaser and then switched across to the left short rigger tube lure and hooked up. We made short work of that fish for the release at 9am. After that it was quiet all day as it seemed to have been for everyone else too. Made a day of it.